How to Compose a Job Posting

A well-written job ad is the first touch point between your organization and potential candidates. It is your first chance to show off your company’s values and culture. A well-written job announcement will attract attention to the role and company, resulting in higher quality applications and interviews.

A well-written job description should include important details about the hiring process, from beginning to finish. This will ensure that both you and the applicant are on the same page in terms of what you expect from them. It can also help prevent candidates being ghosted or dropping out and also a more efficient, fair hiring process for all parties involved.

Use a clear, direct language that is simple to comprehend for all kinds of people. Avoid jargon or cliches which can make it difficult for potential candidates. It’s also important to utilize job advertisements as a way to promote and encourage your diversity initiatives, so be sure the language used doesn’t exclude any groups of people.

Additionally, don’t not forget to mention the most important benefits and perks in your job announcements. If your company provides free lunches, an amazing office with a view or allows flexible hours of work, it is worth including these in your job descriptions since they can tip a candidate’s favour over the competition. You should also mention any community or volunteer involvement that your company is involved with. This is something potential employees consider when deciding which business to join.